(ROADSHOW SCENE NO. 6) 193 EXT. PAOSHAN - DAY The San Pablo is pulling into the dock, getting ready to throw lines over, lower the gangplank. On the dock are huddled four missionaries with two little children. Guarding them are a few dozen ragtag warlord soldiers. 194 EXT. BRIDGE - DAY Collins is busy bringing the ship alongside. There is the usual activity prior to docking. Holman comes topside, scans the faces on the dock. 195 EXT. DOCK AT PAOSHAN - DAY We see the missionaries and soldiers. An officer calls out to the ship in Chinese. 196 EXT. BRIDGE - DAY Collins sees that Shing, standing outside his quarters, is listening to the officer. COLLINS What's he say? SHING Genlah Pan speak ship go othah side chop-chop. COLLINS (firmly) When we're finished. Shing yells back in Chinese to the officer. Collins looks at Bordelles. 197 EXT. SHIP AND DOCK - DAY Ship is being secured to the pontoon. The gangplank is run over. 198 EXT. BRIDGE - DAY Collins and Bordelles. COLLINS Those are the China Light people, but I don't see Jameson. (calls to dock) Where's Jameson? 199 EXT. DOCK - DAY MISSIONARY (MARTIN) He wouldn't come. 200 EXT. BRIDGE - DAY Collins and Bordelles exchange a look of concern. COLLINS Take the motor pan to China Light and get him. BORDELLES Aye, aye, sir. COLLINS Shove off at once. Damned nonsense! 201 EXT. PONTOON - DAY The Chinese officer is yelling something to Shing. 202 EXT. BRIDGE - DAY Collins looks to Shing. SHING He speak you no sailah man come shohside. Collins nods grimly. END...
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